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Funding Keplr (Kado)

Last updated on
Mar 2, 2023
Follow this guide to learn how buy USDC for Osmosis with Kado.
  1. If you prefer not to use a centralised exchange, you can buy USDC for Osmosis directly from kado.money.

    Note that you will first need to register an account and complete KYC with them.

    Once your KYC is approved, buy USDC selecting the Osmosis blockchain as the destination.
  1. Connect your Keplr wallet. You can also paste your Osmosis address and confirm it as your receiving address.
  1. Choose your payment method.
  1. Input your desired amount and check all settings before confirming.

  1. You will receive an e-mail for the last step. Click the confirmation button in the e-mail to finalise the transaction.